Miodrag Vuković

Place and date of birth: Kotor, 14 January 1955 

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Prof Dr Miodrag Vuković


- He graduated from primary and secondary school in Kolašin.

- He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Titograd in 1977, with the average grade 9.50.

- He was chosen as an assistant - trainee for the subject Administrative Law. During his studies he received several awards: Four annual awards as the best student of his generation at the Faculty of Law; award “19 December” SO Titograd 1974 as the best student of that year at the Faculty; he was declared the best student of the University of Montenegro in 1976.  He was the student vice chancellor of the University “Veljko Vlahović” from 1975 to 1976.
- He completed his masters studies at the Faculty of Law in Podgorica on the topic “The right to political association in the post-communist Montenegro”.

- He completed his doctoral thesis on the topic “Legal nature of the Constitutional Charter of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro and legal character of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro”.

- He participated in a large number of scientific, professional and political gatherings in the country and abroad.

Work experience:

- He actively participates in politics, and in several convocations he was a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro and the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY).

- Vice President of the Government of the Republic of Montenegro from 1996 to 1998.

- Advisor to the President of Montenegro for constitutional system from 1998 to 2002.

- In previous convocations of Montenegrin Parliament he was the Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and European Integration.

- As a member of the Parliament, he was the Chairperson of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration, and a member of the Committee on Constitutional Issues and Judiciary in several convocations of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Parliament of the FRY.

- He is the Head of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro at the CEI Parliamentary Dimension and Deputy Chairperson of the General Committee on Political and Internal Affairs of the CEI-PD.

- He was a member of the Parliamentary Delegation of Montenegro to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
- He is a member of the Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee.

- He was the Chair of the CEI Parliamentary Dimension and COSAP at the time of Montenegro’s presidency of these initiatives.

- He was the Chair of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants.

- Now, he is a member of the Parliament of Montenegro.

- He was published in magazines in Montenegro, SFRY, FRY, as well as in magazines of foreign countries. He published a collection of political essays “Joint State - Doom or Chance” book one and “Joint State - Doom or Chance” book two, Podgorica 2000; Collection of expert and professional essays “Montenegro without Alternative” KPZ Podgorica 1999; Collection of expert and professional essays “Under the Spotlight” IC Cetinje 2001; He published thirteen books, collections of expert and professional essays under the joint name “A Witness as a Witness”, Melon DOO Belgrade 2002 the first four books, and from 2009 to 2016 seven more books of similar content.

- He is a co-author of “The Comments to the Constitution of Montenegro 1992”, Official Gazette of Montenegro, Podgorica 2002, and of “The General Comment to the Constitutional Charter of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro“, Official Gazette of Montenegro, Podgorica 2003. - He is a co-author of the textbook “Administrative Law”, Pobjeda, Podgorica 2008. He is the author of the textbook “Introduction to Law”, for the students of the first year of the Faculty for Business Management in Bar. He was a participant in several expert discussions in the Montenegrin Academy of Science and Arts. He intensively deals with administrative law and the theory of state and law.

- He was a member of Montenegrin team, which, together with colleagues from Serbia, worked on the Constitution of the FRY in 1992; a member of working groups of the Parliament of Montenegro who worked on several versions of platforms for redefining relations with Serbia in 1999; a member of delegation of Montenegrin Parliament at the Commission for Drafting of the Constitutional Charter of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro 2002-2003; a member of the Constitutional Committee for drafting of the New Constitution of Montenegro 2006-2007 (Constitution of independent and internationally recognised state).
- He was published in the magazine of administrative law association of FRY, in “Pravni zbornik” (Legal Journal) on several occasions in the previous years, in the magazine “Hrvatska javna uprava” (Croatian Public Administration), Zagreb, and in the magazine “Medijski dijalozi” (Media Dialogues), Podgorica. He is an associate of several daily and weekly print media.

- He has been a dean of the Law Faculty of the University “Mediterranean” since October 2014.

- He was elected as an associate professor at the University “Mediterranean” in Podgorica and at the UN University for Peace in Belgrade.

- He is a professor and lecturer at the Faculty for Business Management in Bar, for the subject “Basis of Law Studies” and at the Faculty for State and European Studies in Podgorica, for the subject “Constitutional Law and Parliamentarism”.

- He is also a lecturer at the Diplomatic Academy “Gavro Vuković”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro.