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Tuesday, 23 April 2019 12:34

Guests from Gazi-Isa beg Madrasa visit the Parliament of Montenegro

Visit is implemented within the “Open Parliament” programme

Within the “Open Parliament” programme, today the Parliament of Montenegro hosted professors and students of Gazi-Isa beg Madrasa from Rožaje.

On this occasion, the guests had a tour of the Great Hall of the Parliament of Montenegro where they were given a presentation of the history, organisation and the manner of operation of the Montenegrin parliament. During the further tour of the building of the Parliament of Montenegro, they also visited other parliamentary meetings rooms, and they were also given the opportunity to see a part of the parliamentary art collection, as well as photographs of all previous presidents of the Parliament.

The visit is a part of the curriculum of Gazi-Isa beg Madrasa.

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