In accordance with Articles 85 and 105 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption (Official Gazette of Montenegro 53/14 of 19 December 2014), the Anti-corruption Committee issues:

The Anti-Corruption Committee approved the Report of the Commission for selection of members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption of 31 May 2019 and adopted the Decision on announcement of the repeated public invitation for the selection of five members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption.

The Committee established the Proposal for the election of four members of the Judicial Council from among respectable lawyers.

Participants in the meeting included the Committee’s Chairperson Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić, and members Ms Marta Šćepanović, Mr Luigj Lubo Shkrela, Mr Miodrag Vuković, and Mr Branko Čavor

On its European path, Montenegro is deeply devoted to adopting and implementing acquis but also to the regional cooperation

Parliament of Montenegro, Plenary Hall, 10:00