Article 27    

Secretary General of the Parliament shall be appointed and dismissed by the Parliament, on the proposal of the President of the Parliament. Secretary General shall be appointed for the period of four years. The nomination for appointment of Secretary General shall include: candidate’s forename and surname, brief CV and explanatory statement.  

Article 28

Secretary General of the Parliament shall: 
-    assist the President and Vice-President of the Parliament in applying  these Rules of Procedure; 
-    ensure the development of the original laws and other acts of the Parliament and be responsible for their accuracy, safeguarding and recording;
-    manage the Parliamentary Service;
-    ensure implementation of the conclusions of the Parliament;
-    prepare the proposal application for provision of budgetary funds for the work of the Parliament and Parliamentary Service; 
-    be the order issuer for financial and material business of the Parliament and Parliamentary Service and submit the report on use of the funds to the Collegium of the President of the Parliament and Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget, if required by them; 
-    perform other tasks as envisaged by law and these Rules of Procedure and those entrusted by the President of the Parliament. 

Deputy Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General

Article 29    

Secretary General of the Parliament shall have two deputies who shall assist him in his work. 

Secretary General shall, in case of his absence, designate as his substitute a Deputy of his choosing and inform the President of the Parliament thereof.  

Deputy Secretary General shall be appointed and dismissed by the Parliament upon the proposal of the President of the Parliament.

Deputy Secretary General of the Parliament shall be appointed for a period of four years.

Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General shall report to the Parliament.

Secretary General of the Parliament shall have one or several assistants who are appointed by the Administrative Committee upon the proposal of the Secretary General.