Wednesday, 18 October 2017 14:57

Meeting of the Friendship Group with the Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia held

Directions of development of bilateral parliamentary relations agreed

The Friendship Group with the Parliament of Estonia, headed by the Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Branimir Gvozdenović, today has held a meeting with the non-resident Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to Montenegro, based in Tallinn, H.E Mr Daniel Erik Schaer.

Head of the Friendship Group Mr Branimir Gvozdenović pointed out that the 26th Parliament of Montenegro formed the Friendship Group with the Parliament of Estonia for the first time, recognising in that manner the contribution that a parliament could give to development of the overall inter state relations.

Mr Gvozdenović especially pointed out the significance of the full support of Estonia to the European integration of Montenegro, particularly at the time of Estonian presidency of the Council of the European Union. Therefore, the message conveyed by Ambassador Schaer that Estonia recognised Montenegro as a leader in the European integration process was extremely significant, and also that it remained open for full support and assistance to Montenegro on its path towards achieving its strategic goal of full EU membership. The Ambassador especially emphasised the significance of exchange of parliamentary experiences and make direct contact between the elected representatives of the people, as the best manner to achieve successful cooperation and common goals.

Members of the Friendship Group with the Parliament of Estonia exchanged opinions on the areas of common interest, especially showing interest in improvement of parliamentary cooperation of working bodies, but also of formed friendship groups, as a special form which has particular responsibility for advancing bilateral relations, bringing cultures and people closer together, and mutual promotion of the countries.

The meeting was also attended by members of the Friendship Group of the Parliament of Montenegro with the Parliament of Estonia Mr Andrija Nikolić, Ms Maja Bakrač, Ms Marta Šćepanović, and Mr Andrija Popović, who used this opportunity to exchange opinions with Ambassador Schaer on possibilities for improvement and development of relations between Montenegro and Estonia, proposing initiatives of deeper cooperation in numerous areas of common interest.

In that respect, the Friendship Group voiced its interest regarding direct cooperation in the field of parliamentary work and activities, diaspora, and good practice of relationship with the immigrants, information technology and education, as well as in the field of economy, primarily tourism.