Tuesday, 06 March 2018 16:00

Meeting of members of the Committee on European Integration and the Security and Defence Committee with the delegation of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bulgarian National Assembly held

The support to Montenegro’s European integration process highlighted through the confirmed good mutual cooperation

Members of the Committee on European Integration and the Security and Defence Committee today met with the delegation of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bulgarian National Assembly.

At the meeting, Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Adrijan Vuksanović informed the guests about the current dynamics of the negotiation process and thanked to his colleagues from Bulgaria for the invaluable support they provided to Montenegro on its path to the EU. He stressed that the results achieved by Montenegro in the integration process indicated that we were leader in the region, and that in addition to fostering good neighbourly relations in the Western Balkans, Montenegro supported the merit-based principle for evaluating the progress.

Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria Ms Dzhema Grozdanova stressed that the aim of the visit was to provide support to Montenegro’s European path, with the desire more to be done in the next two years, which wouldl be of great importance to Montenegro’s integration process. She also stressed the importance of closing the chapters 23 and 24, as well as work on resolving bilateral disputes and implementing internal reforms.

Chairperson of the Security and Defence Committee Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić reminded that Bulgaria was one of the first countries to recognise Montenegro's restored independence, as well as its full membership in NATO, and concluded that the diplomatic relations of the two countries were on an enviable level.

In addition to chairpersons of the two committees, the meeting was attended by members of the Committee on European Integration Mr Mihailo Anđušić, Mr Nikola Rakočević and Ms Daliborka Pejović and member of the Security and Defence Committee Ms Marta Šćepanović.