Thursday, 30 May 2019 07:50

Conference “Western Balkans and the EU: Democratic consolidation through the fulfilment of political criteria” at the Parliament today

The Parliament of Montenegro and Center for Democratic Transition (CDT), under the auspices of the Balkan Trust for Democracy and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway, organise conference “Western Balkans and the EU: Democratic consolidation through the fulfilment of political criteria”.

The conference will be held today, in the Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, starting at 10:30h.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović will open the conference.

The welcome remarks will be delivered by Mr Dragan Koprivica, Director Executive of the Center for Democratic Transition, Ms Gordana Delić, Director of the Balkan Trust for Democracy and Mr Geir Håkon Johansen, First Secretary at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway.

Within the first panel, chairpersons of the committees dealing with European integration from the Parliament of Montenegro, the National Assembly of Serbia and the Assembly of Northern Macedonia Mr Slaven Radunović, Mr Nenad Čanak and Mr Artan Gruba will speak about fulfilment of political criteria from the parliaments’ point of view.

Within the second panel, fulfilment of political criteria from the perspective of civil society will be discussed by Ms Milica Kovačević (CDT), Mr Pavle Dimitrijević (CRTA), Mr Bardhyl Jashari (Metamorphosis Foundation), Oana Popescu (Global Focus) and Mr Darko Brkan (UG Zašto ne?).


Agenda of the conference

The event is open to accredited media.