Friday, 27 March 2020 17:51

Communiqué by the Cabinet of the President of the Parliament after the meeting of the Collegium of the President of the Parliament with Government representatives

A meeting of the Collegium of the President of the Parliament has been held today, chaired by Mr Ivan Brajović, and attended by: Deputy Prime Minister Mr Milutin Simović, Minister of Health Mr Kenan Hrapović, Minister of Finance Mr Darko Radunović, Minister of Economy Ms Dragica Sekulić and Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr Kemal Purišić.

Members of the Collegium have considered the previous activities of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases and measures undertaken for protecting Montenegrin citizens regarding the current epidemiological situation. The pointed out that it is very important for every part of the society to support upholding the decisions of the responsible institutions as well as the continuation of the implementation of the needed preventative activities with the aim of timely protections of citizens and countering large-scale infection.  A special attention was devoted to the procurement of the necessary personal protection and other medical equipment as well as the preparedness and organisation of the Montenegrin health system in these circumstances. They stressed that it is necessary to inform the public timely and accurately about all the developments and pointed out the important role of the media.

The Collegium of the President expressed readiness for defining the necessary legislative activities that will be aimed at mitigating the expected socio-economic consequences, which imply a united response by the responsible national authorities and the support of all political actors. In this regard, they stated that solidarity, support and mutual trust must be the backbone of further action, in order to preserve stability and achieve rapid recovery of our society. Continuous communication was proposed and the responsibility of all representatives of national bodies was requested as well as their obligation to urgently deliver information upon the parliamentary request.


Representatives of the parliamentary political parties gave a number of useful suggestions and proposals to the Government representatives, primarily in relation to the preservation and further strengthening of the health system and socio-economic stability.

Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro

