Wednesday, 01 April 2020 16:14

Collegium of the President of the Parliament held

The Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, chaired by Mr Ivan Brajović, today has considered the current situation in the country after a new set of measures, as well as an extension of the existing ones by the responsible state authorities.

The latest data from the Public Health Institute on the number of the infected by coronavirus is alerting and shows a trend of growth. Also, the necessity of consistent adherence to the recommendations has been noted, with the importance of contributions from all segments of society.

Members of the Collegium of the President have concluded that the work of the Parliament of Montenegro and its working bodies in a crisis situation of the emergence of the coronavirus must be organised in such a manner that it enables the exercise of legislative, control and oversight role, while adhering to the prescribed health care measures. In this regard, the heads of the MP Groups considered the possibility of conducting meetings of the working bodies and plenary sittings via a video-conferencing system.

Members of the Collegium pointed to the need for the responsible state institutions, while working to overcome the anticipated consequences of the epidemic, already need to undertake activities to mitigate the social and economic consequences caused by the coronavirus epidemic and to prepare Montenegro for further developments. It was agreed that the first next meeting of the Collegium of the President would be organised in the presence of the line minister, representatives of the Chamber of Economy, the Investment and Development Fund, the Central Bank of Montenegro and the Union of Employers.


Statement by the President of the Parliament of Montenegro