Friday, 03 April 2020 16:27

Collegium of the President of the Parliament held

The Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro was held today in the extended composition, chaired by Mr Ivan Brajović. Aside from representatives of MP groups, upon the invitation of the Collegium of the President, the meeting was attended by Minister of Finance, Mr Darko Radunović, Governor of the Central Bank of Montenegro, Mr Radoje Žugić, President of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Mr Vlastimir Golubović, Director of the Investment and Development Fund, Mr Zoran Vukčević and President of the Union of Employers, Mr Predrag Mitrović.

The emphasis of the Collegium that was held today has been places on economic topics and the state of the financial sector, as well as taking timely necessary measures to preserve economic stability. The harmonisation of mechanisms and further financing in the conditions of health crisis was discussed, that has affected all segments of society. The importance of regular analysis of economic and other indicators was underlined, as well as the upgrading of present measures and activities and the contribution of competent institutions to the emerging circumstances.

In this regard, the members of the Collegium expressed their expectation that the competent state institutions would submit a harmonised set of economic and other measures, with the aim of mitigating the expected social and economic consequences during the current epidemiological situation, as well as following its ending.

Members of the Collegium of the President have also on this occasion expressed their readiness to act within their competence effectively in relation to proposals that they expected the Government to submit at the earliest possible time.

Heads of MP groups concluded that it was necessary to continue discussions and consultations with other actors of social developments in order to find the best solutions in the current situation.

