Wednesday, 08 April 2020 14:15

Next Collegium with representatives of social partners

At today's Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro chaired by Mr Ivan Brajović, topics of discussion included activities of the Parliament of Montenegro and other institutions under the current circumstances.

The significance of continuing talks on economic and social sustainability was highlighted, and it was agreed that the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Director of the Administration for Inspection Affairs, as well as the Secretary General of the Federation of Trade Unions of Montenegro, would be invited to the next meeting of the Collegium of the President, which is to be held on Tuesday 14 April. 

Discussions at the meeting also included the status and preparation of materials for the upcoming parliamentary activities. It is planned for the next sitting of the Parliament to be held by the end of April, and technical arrangements have been made for the working bodies to convene via a video-conferencing system.