Tuesday, 14 April 2020 16:55

Extended Collegium of the President of the Parliament on economic and social measures

Extended Collegium of the President of the Parliament on economic and social measures

The Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro which was held today and chaired by Mr Ivan Brajović was dedicated to economic and social sustainability under the current conditions of the epidemic and the coping with the consequences in the upcoming period.

At the extended Collegium meeting, in addition to heads of MP groups, the participants were also Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr Kemal Purišić, Director of the Administration for Inspection Affairs Mr Alija Košuta, as well as the secretaries general of the Federation of Trade Unions of Montenegro Mr Duško Zarubica and the Union of Free Trade Unions Mr Srđa Keković.

The Collegium members noted the significance of active participation of all segments of society, especially social partners, in the adoption of timely and adequate measures that would be used to cope with the expected economic problems and to mitigate social consequences. Special attention was paid to the issues of maintaining the current level of employment, adjustment and renewal of economic activities and gradual strengthening of certain segments of the economy.

They voiced the expectation that the Government’s set of economic and other measures would represent an adequate basis for support to the most vulnerable sectors, companies and categories of population. It was pointed to the necessity that the proposed measures must take into account the period of their coverage, categorisation of vulnerability and the need to define different levels and types of support, in a transparent and comprehensive manner.  The participants in the Collegium agreed that it was necessary to regularly monitor and assess the scope of the economic crisis, in order to further improve measures for the purpose of maintaining economic sustainability.

A new meeting of the Collegium of the President of the Parliament was planned for Wednesday 15 April, when the MPs and representatives of the Government would discuss the proposed set of measures and the necessary solutions for implementing them.

Press statement by President Ivan Brajović




Collegium of the President

