Thursday, 14 May 2020 13:19

President of Parliament to sign tomorrow decision on establishing information and documentation centre

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, will sign tomorrow the Decision on Establishing the Information and Documentation Centre of Montenegro.

Within the partnership project of "Taking responsibility for the past" with the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, the task of the Information and Documentation Centre will be to gather relevant documents relating to war crimes committed on the territory of Montenegro, together with all statements, indictments, judgments and other sources connected to the war past during the 1990’s. The Parliament of Montenegro has undertaken the obligation of conserving the gathered material and making it permanently available to all of the interested parties. This activity is about the continuation of cooperation with the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, following the signing of the Memorandum on 30 January this year.

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro will sign the decision on Friday, 15 May, at 10:00 at the premises of the Parliament of Montenegro.

A press release with a statement by the President of the Parliament and video material will be sent to the media upon completion.