Tuesday, 31 October 2017 15:05

Youngest MP of the 26th Parliament of Montenegro opens the exhibition

On the occasion of 111 years since introduction of parliamentarism in Montenegro, an exhibition "Art Collection of the Parliament of Montenegro" was opened in the Gallery "Centar", consisting of 19 representative works of Montenegrin and regional painters

In his opening speech, MP Mr Miloš Nikolić stated: "The exhibition of works of art of the Parliament is another demonstration of the openness of the Parliament to all citizens and all segments of the society. The Parliament must have strong back that provided all other parts of the system with stability and upright walking. In that sense, it must be open and accessible to all citizens through the public and transparency of its work, and I see today's exhibition as another proof of such work of the Parliament."

The audience was also addressed by the art historian, Ms Ljiljana Zeković, who stated that the Parliament of Montenegro was an example of how the artistic heritage of Montenegro should be treated in order to preserve, protect, valorise and present it, and above all its democratic openness and accessibility to the general public.

Art collection of the Parliament of Montenegro contains 46 works by 35 authors, mostly from Montenegro, while a smaller number of them originate from the former Yugoslavia. In addition to the works of professional artists, the collection includes works by autodidact who have gained international recognition with their work.

The works are mainly purchased and donated, of various aesthetic and artistic qualities, and the emphasis is placed on individual artistic achievements, thus achieving openness for various aesthetic and artistic-language forms of expression.

The exhibition will be opened by 10 November.

The Parliament of Montenegro marks 31 October, the Parliamentarism Day, when the first National Assembly in Montenegro was constituted in Cetinje in 1906.

Exhibition on the occasion of the Parliamentarism Day



Opening of the exhibition – MP Mr Miloš Nikolić

