Thursday, 25 January 2018 18:12


As public knows, the Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro has conducted a procedure for dismissing Mr Nikola Vukčević, member of the RTCG Council, in line with articles 42 and 43 of the Law on National Public Broadcaster of Radio and Television of Montenegro, due to violation of Art. 26.

Bearing in mind that this Committee is responsible for conducting procedures of appointing and dismissing members of the RTCG Council in line with the Law on National Public Broadcaster of Radio and Television of Montenegro, in this specific case, the conducted procedure is in line with the said articles of the Law, therefore formal and legal annulment of the Decision of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption has no legal consequences for the Parliament of Montenegro.

This procedure is independent from the one conducted before the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, thus the Decision of the Administrative Court upon complaint by Mr Nikola Vukčević  cannot have any legal consequences which would require a reaction of the Parliament of Montenegro.