Monday, 04 March 2019 15:24

Head the Parliament of Montenegro’s Permanent Delegation to the CEI-PD holds a meeting with the newly appointed CEI Secretary General

Head the Parliament of Montenegro’s Permanent Delegation to the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative Mr Miodrag Vuković has received today the CEI Secretary General Mr Roberto Antonione with his associates.

MP Vuković congratulated his guest on being elected to office and voiced his expectation that the new CEI Secretary General, with his experience of being head of the Italian Delegation to this initiative, would best understand the needs of the parliamentary dimension and contribute to its strengthening and better positioning.

Mr Vuković said that the Parliament’s Delegation to the CEI-PD, through its regular and active participation in meetings of the Parliamentary Assembly and of general committees of this organisation, manifested its commitment to international and regional cooperation in the best possible manner.

During the meeting, the Head of the Montenegrin Delegation also voiced his concerns regarding, as he said, the evident crisis of multilateralism at the global level. In that sense, Mr Vuković especially emphasised Austria’s abandonment of the CEI cooperation framework as a warning signal to this regional initiative. Mr Vuković also voiced his concern that the said crisis could cause greater damage to the CEI which is to celebrate its jubilee of 30 years of existence.

The CEI Secretary General Mr Roberto Antonione voiced his satisfaction with his visit to Montenegro and high-level meetings.  Mr Antonione agreed with Mr Vuković’s assessment of the crisis of multilateralism, pointing out that, at the same time, current difficulties were a chance and an opportunity to go in a positive direction with new energy. Mr Antonione also emphasised that the CEI provides a unique framework within which the EU member states and the EU aspirant countries could be at the same table and agree on joint activities and projects on an equal footing.

The interlocutors agreed that the upcoming signing of the memorandum of understanding between the secretariats of the CEI and the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (AII), during Montenegrin presidency of the AII, would be a significant step forward, aimed at synergetic action which would contribute to the strengthening of both frameworks of regional cooperation in which Montenegro participates.

They jointly assessed that the Central European Initiative should remain open for accession of new member states as well as the possible return of Austria to the CEI membership.