Thursday, 18 April 2019 16:34

Vice President Nimanbegu hosts USA Ambassador

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Genci Nimanbegu, hosted today the Ambassador of the United States of America, H.E. Ms Judy Rising Reinke, with her associates, Mr Lewis Gitter and Mr Zlatko Ivanović. During friendly atmosphere, the interlocutors exchanged opinions and information on the political situation in Montenegro, countries of the region, and the progress of Montenegro in the negotiations with the European Union.

Vice President Nimanbegu informed the Ambassador about the activities of the Parliament of Montenegro, when it comes to the Working Group on the reform of electoral legislation, and its aim to improve the election climate in Montenegro, which has been currently in a blockade. He also informed the Ambassador about the legal solutions and requirements of minority parties, especially the Albanian ones, which would have authentic representation of minorities in the Parliament as a result.

The Vice President informed the Ambassador Reinke about issues important for the improvement of the position in the municipalities where the majority have been Albanians, and above all about the issues in the field of economic development, ecology and environmental protection (Salina), privatisation (hotels in Ulcinj) and restitution (the return of nationalised property to real owners).

The Ambassador commended the Albanian diaspora from Montenegro in the United States and their contribution to the key issues for the development of democratic society, both in Montenegro and the United States. Special focus of her interest was the topic of environmental protection, with an emphasis on solving the issue of Ulcinj Salina as a unique oasis, not only for Ulcinj and Montenegro, but wider.

The interlocutors agreed that the exceptional cooperation between the United States and Montenegro would continue in favor of the general development of the democratisation of society and citizens of both countries and administrations, stressing that the special focus of the Embassy would be young people and their education - as bearers of the future development of society.