Tuesday, 29 August 2017 15:03

President of the Parliament presents the certificates to the participants of the Tenth REACT


President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today has presented the certificates to the participants of the Tenth Regional Euro Atlantic Camp REACT. Within a panel, he also discussed the topic “Montenegro in modern international relations” with the participants.

 “Montenegro is committed to good neighbourly policy and regional cooperation, which are essential for stability of the region in which we live, and we have greatly contributed to this in the past 11 years by actively participating in numerous regional initiatives. In that sense, we are proud of the undivided opinion of important international factors that qualify Montenegro as a European success story and a source of stability in the region, but also of the fact that Montenegro has no outstanding issues with its neighbours”, pointed our President Brajović.

Commending the NGO ALPHA Centre, which is the organiser of REACT, he referenced the role which this camp had in promoting Montenegro’s NATO accession process, but also in connecting young people in the region as an important condition for strengthening the trust among the countries. He especially emphasised the symbolism of the fact that we welcomed the Tenth, jubilee REACT in the year when Montenegro had become the 29th member of NATO.

Speaking of the EU integration process, Mr Brajović said that Montenegro was fully oriented towards the achievement of another important foreign policy goal, which was the membership in the European Union.  He also mentioned the current state of affairs in the EU in light of Brexit and the enlargement policy, for which he said that it must not be stopped, as well as that we expected that the performance of each candidate country would be evaluated individually.

Mr Brajović also talked about the political situation in Montenegro, in the context of selective non-participation in the work of the Parliament by the opposition, and he said that the Parliament  was a place where all important issues should be discussed, because the citizens had elected the representatives of both the government and the opposition to represent their interests and to regularly perform their parliamentarian duties.


REACT cover footage



Speech by Mr Ivan Brajović REACT 2017



Press statement ahead of the speech REACT

