Tuesday, 19 September 2017 14:57

Visit of the President of Parliament of Montenegro to the Kingdom of Morocco is a new page in relations of the two states

During the talk of President of Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović with officials of the Kingdom of Morocco, it was stated that this visit, paid upon the invitation of President of the House of Representatives Mr Habib El Malki, was an important event in the history of relations of the two countries. The hosts from this North African country, which has advanced status with the EU, emphasised that Morocco especially praised the fact that Montenegro has achieved significant reforms in all in all fields on the path of European integration, always facing it challenges peacefully and resolving them through dialogue.

During the separate meetings with President of the House of Representatives Mr Habib El Malki, Prime Minster Mr Saad Eddine El Othmani, State Secretary the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ms Mouni Bouset and other officials, it was concluded that this first official visit paid by some of the high state representatives from Montenegro, since the restoration of independence, would significantly contribute to the strengthening of bilateral ties as a prerequisite for the improvement of economic cooperation.

The countries with a common Mediterranean heritage and connectivity have many opportunities for cooperation in the fields of industry, tourism, agriculture, renewable energy and marine resources, they stressed during the meeting. In this regard, they emphasised the significance of the agreement in the field of tourism, signed in Podgorica by two line ministers, as an important step for improving the contractual base for further development of economic cooperation and investment environment.

  • Montenegro and Morocco are the countries which represent examples of stability and contribute to the stability of their regions. Morocco is a country with an advanced status with the European Union, and Montenegro is the first next member of the European Union. It is therefore important that we intensify our relations, as there is plenty of room for improving cooperation in many areas. The talks were very friendly and I am satisfied with the perspective of our future cooperation - President of the Parliament of Montenegro said.

Also, the interlocutors emphasised the importance of parliamentary cooperation by means of establishing friendship groups and by signing a memorandum of understanding of the two parliaments. In addition, they talked about a forum on mediation, which will be held in Montenegro during the next year, and the host proposed establishment of the mixed inter-governmental commission.

Video coverage Morocco 



Press statement of Mr Brajović - resume



Mr Brajović after the meeting with the Moroccan President of the House of Representatives

