Saturday, 23 September 2017 10:28

Congratulatory message on the occasion of Day of Miners of Montenegro


On the occasion of Day of Miners of Montenegro and Day of Coal Mine JSC Pljevlja which are marked on 24 September, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović extended the following congratulatory message:

“The vocation of miner, which has always been a personification of hard life and work, but also of respect, even today shares the fate of the economy and workers in Montenegro. Natural resources in all countries make the backbone of the economic development, and the country, local administration and management of mines, along with the protection and safety of workers, through promotion of technology and infrastructure, should provide valorisation of mining potential for the benefit of individuals and the society. With the sustainable development, protection of the environment, and synergy of all state and local institution and organisations, we believe in better days for miners and mining business in Montenegro.

In that name, I wish you a happy Day of Miners – 24 September.“