Monday, 02 October 2017 15:43

President of the Parliament to meet with the PACE co-rapporteurs

Co-rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for the post-monitoring dialogue with Montenegro, Mr Ionut-Marian Stroe and Ms Andrea Rigoni, will meet tomorrow – Tuesday, 3 October at 9:30, with the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović.

The aim of the visit of co-rapporteurs to Montenegro is learning about the activities that our country has implemented in terms of meeting the recommendations and obligations defined in the Resolution 2030 (2015) "The honouring of obligations and commitments by Montenegro", adopted by PACE in January 2015.

Accredited cameramen and photo reporters may record the beginning of the meeting at the Cabinet of the President, and the press statement will be sent to the media after the meeting with the photographs and video material.