Tuesday, 03 October 2017 12:28

President of the Parliament meets with the PACE co-rapporteurs

Co-rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for the post-monitoring dialogue with Montenegro Mr Ionut-Marian Stroe and Mr Andrea Rigoni today spoke with the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović, in the presence of Head of Montenegro’s Standing Delegation to the PACE Mr Predrag Sekulić.

President Brajović informed the interlocutors on activities of the Parliament both internally and internationally. Bearing in mind the reforming commitment of Montenegro on its path to the EU, he emphasised the importance of our country’s active participation in international organisations and their bodies. The co-rapporteurs praised Montenegro’s progress as well as its readiness for the dialogue in integration processes.

The interlocutors jointly noted that the Parliament was the only true place for debate on the issues of social importance, including the strengthening of the electoral process. Among other things, President Brajović announced the establishment of a working group in charge of fthe implementation of the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations obtained after the positively assessed parliamentary elections, and expressed the expectation that the opposition would recognize the interest to participate, together with the parliamentary majority, in its work.  

      The aim of visit by co-rapporteurs is learning about activities that our country has undertaken with regard to fulfilling recommendations and commitments defined in PACE’s Resolution 2030 (2015) “The honouring of obligations and commitments by Montenegro”, which was adopted by the PACE in January of this year.


President of the Parliament with the PACE co-rapporteurs - footage

