Friday, 06 October 2017 13:20

Congratulatory message by the President of the Parliament on Day of the Army of Montenegro


President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has congratulated Day of the Army of Montenegro, celebrated on October 7, by the message as follows

“Montenegro, as civil and democratic state, is obliged to provide conditions in all spheres for peaceful and untroubled life of all citizens.  One of the most important factors for peace and stability is the Army of Montenegro, which has carried out reforms by continuous and devoted work and endeavours, transforming itself into modern armed formation that is always at the forefront of its homeland. By conducting the most advanced training and adopting the highest standards, in partnership with allies states, Montenegro was admitted to NATO on June 5. As an army of the Alliance member, apart from our country’s stability, today the Army of Montenegro contributes to the stability of the region, but also participates in peace keeping missions worldwide as a respectable partner to the greatest armed forces. I believe that officers, servicemen and civilian personnel of the Army of Montenegro will continue their training, foster professionalism and democratic postulates, respect human rights and bear in mind that they represent the reputation and pride of Montenegro throughout the world.

I wish you a happy Day of the Army of Montenegro - October 7!”