Tuesday, 10 October 2017 15:19

Collegium of the President of the Parliament sets up the Working Group for the implementation of the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations

At today’s Collegium of the President of the Parliament, chaired by President Mr Ivan Brajović, the Conclusion on setting up the Working Group was adopted. The Group will be tasked with analysing the implementation of the electoral legislation, and it will also, on the basis of the Final Report of the OSCE/ODIHR Observation Mission on the parliamentary elections of 16 October 2016, consider and propose the method of implementation of the recommendations from the said report.

The working group, formed on the basis of Article 26 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, will be chaired by MP Ms Marta Šćepanović, and made up of the following: Mr Miodrag Vuković, Predrag Sekulić, Željko Aprčović, Jovanka Laličić, Miloš Nikolić, Danijel Živković, Mićo Orlandić and Genci Nimanbegu.

The Conclusions envisages the working group to use expert knowledge of the OSCE/ODIHR and other relevant international organisations, and if necessary, to consult representatives of the State Election Commission, Agency for Prevention of Corruption, Agency for Personal Data Protection, Agency for Electronic Media, university, non-governmental sector and other organisations and institutions, which can contribute to its work.

The Working Group is open to representatives of parliamentary opposition who have not determined their members in the Working Group yet.

Statement of President Brajović on setting up the working group.

