Saturday, 14 October 2017 17:23

Exhibition of paintings “Art Collection of the Parliament of Montenegro” opens in Petrovaradin

  • It is not a coincidence that the first time we present this collection outside of Montenegro we do it here, because we know that friendly relations between our countries have lasted for a long time. There has been in the past and there will be in the future a lack of understanding and misunderstandings, achieved and failed ambitions of various political and ideological structures, but the ancient times have resolved this with various consequences, and so will the future times. The past is a pledge just as the future is a legacy for our future generations from the “Pannonian” to the Adriatic sea. Montenegro and Serbia are eternal, but people are not eternal. Therefore let us “humanly” - in love, trust and respect - live out our lives under this wonderful Sun, in our wonderful countries blessed abundantly with natural beauty and replenished with talented people, decorated with exceptional works of all arts. For this I have witnesses in works of art by 19 artists which are a priceless escort of the Montenegrin delegation during its visit to the country of Serbia - said among other things President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajovićat the reception hosted in the ceremonious rooms in Petrovaradin by Ambassador Mr Branislav Mićunović and consul general of Montenegro to Serbia Mr Miodrag Kankaraš, on which occasion the exhibition of paintings “Art Collection of the Parliament of Montenegro” was opened.

In his statement to the media present at the event, Ambassador of Montenegro to the Republic of Serbia Mr Branislav Mićunović said, among other things, the following:

  • We are constantly making sure that the culture is a good context, good carpet to politics. Culture is the strongest tool for exalted and noble gestures and feelings. This exhibition leaves a strong impression. It befits this region and the people who are here tonight, such as the Montenegrin diaspora and our guests mainly from Vojvodina. Here is one gesture and opportunity for them to see their painters, to see tonight the works of art which they may have never seen before, and for our and their guests to experience the energy of these 19 works of art.

Exhibition “Art Collection of the Parliament of Montenegro” is a gift to Montenegrin diaspora and the entire culture public of Serbia on the occasion of visit of the delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the Republic of Serbia. Representative works of art by Montenegrin and regional painters owned by the Parliament are shown beyond the borders of Montenegro for the first time.

The reception was attended by President of the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Mr István Pásztor, President of the Provincial Government Mr Igor Mirović, and Deputy President Mr Ivan Đoković, Deputy Mayor of Novi Sad, provincial secretaries and other highest officials of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, as well as numerous members of Montenegrin diaspora in Vojvodina.

Speech for exhibition opening

Exhibition opening - address



Exhibition of the Art Collection of the Parliament of Montenegro - video footage



Statement by President Brajović after the exhibition opening



 Statement by Ambassador Mićunović

