Monday, 16 October 2017 15:33

Mr Brajović with Italian senators Mr Chiti and Mr Liuzzi

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has met Chairperson of the Committee on European Union Policies of the Italian Senate Mr Vannino Chiti and Senator Mr Pietro Liuzzi, in Podgorica today. The meeting was also attended by Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Adrian Vuksanović.

The President expressed pleasure with the continuation of political dialogue, emphasising that Italy was an honest friend and partner of Montenegro. He said that our extremely comprehensive parliamentary cooperation can additionally contribute to deepening of relations in all other areas, particularly in economy field. He stressed the importance of the support we received from Italy in achieving our strategic foreign policy goals and pointed out the special appreciation of Italy's activities in promoting the EU's enlargement policy to the Western Balkans, on the basis of the individual merits of each country. He confirmed our country’s full devotion to fulfilling criteria for the EU membership, emphasising that Montenegro was a reliable partner to Italy and EU.

Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Adrian Vuksanović said that we were honoured by the fact that the Protocol of Cooperation of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Committee on European Union Policies of the Italian Senate, except with Montenegro, was signed only with parliaments of France and Spain. He also confirmed Montenegro’s commitment for concretising models of cooperation in the following period.

They jointly expressed pleasure with overall bilateral relations of Montenegro and Italy, stressing that our two friendly countries had comprehensive cooperation in almost all fields.

A link to video material is below:

