Tuesday, 17 October 2017 17:42

With the Swedish Ambassador on the improvement of cooperation between the two states

Bilateral relations between Montenegro and the Kingdom of Sweden are traditionally good, but  there is a room for their further improvement - concluded the meeting of President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović and non-residential Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to Montenegro Mr Jan Lundin.

They stressed the importance of parliamentary cooperation, as well as the commitment of the Parliament of Montenegro to concretising the cooperation with the Swedish Parliament, both through cooperation of parliamentary bodies and establishment of the friendship groups.

The President of the Parliament thanked for the support which Montenegro gained from Sweden with regard to the reform processes within the European integration - which is the most important foreign-policy priority of our country.

They also discussed the possibilities for improving bilateral political and economic relations, and on the current political developments in Montenegro.


VIDEO Meeting Mr Brajović - Mr Lundin

