Friday, 27 October 2017 14:20

Congratory message on the ocassion of the Municipality Day of Herceg Novi


President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, congratulated the citizens and the local authorities on the Municipality Day of Herceg Novi, which is celebrated on 28 October. Below is the text of the congratory message:

"The special feature of the ancient city at the entrance to Boka Kotorska with its rich historical, architectural and cultural heritage has always distinguished Herceg Novi on the map of Montenegrin and Adriatic tourism. Both in the past and the present, the gates of Herceg Novi were open to domestic and foreign tourists, but also to all business and creative people of good intentions, advanced ideas and visions. in adition to investing in infrastructure and tourist capacities, I believe that Herceg Novi, with extraordinary tourist and economic potential, will become a safe and fruitful destination for domestic and foreign investments in the future, for the benefit of all citizens of the town in the foothills of the Mountain of Orjen.

On that behalf, I congatulate to you the Municipality Day of Herceg Novi – 28 October."