Friday, 27 October 2017 16:43

The Western Balkans is an inseparable part of Europe

  • By their history and tradition, our countries are an inseparable part of Europe, which, without a peaceful, secure, economically strong and advanced Western Balkans cannot achieve the long-term stability and overall prosperity - President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović said at the 8th Conference of Speakers of Parliaments of the Countries of the Western Balkans in Budapest.

President Brajović was a keynote speaker at thematic session of the conference “Security Dimension of the Western Balkan Contributing to European Stability”

  • History has shown to us how devastating it can be when we lack communication or negotiation, and how much we can be strong when we are ready to cooperate and be open to seeing the wider context. First of all, this involves going beyond the narrow framework of one's interests, and understanding that the progress of any country in our region gives the impulse to the development of all the others. This also implies an open, honest dialogue, the examination of one's own shortcomings that need to be eliminated, and the sharing of your own and applying your neighbours’ good practices. It also means more frequent, more meaningful and faster communication among our leaders, parliaments, governments, businessmen and all other segments of the society, so that our common voice could be louder in the wider Europe. Only in this manner we will change the image of the Balkans as an area that produces more history than it is able to consume, and jointly create a picture of a region that has transformed all its diversities and experiences into its own advantages, and, as a unique region, gave a new quality to the united Europe, Mr Brajović said among other things.

During the session devoted to the EU integration, President Brajović particularly pointed out the importance of adhering to “regatta principle", which implies evaluating the progress of each country on the basis of their individual performance, saying that in addition to being the only just approach, it was also crucial for preserving enthusiasm and motivating candidate countries.

During his stay in Hungary, President Brajović had separate bilateral meetings with Mr László Kövér, Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary, Mr Péter Szijjártó, Hungaian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade as well as with speakers of Parliament of Albania Mr Gramoz Ruci, Macedonia Mr Talat Xhaferi, both houses of the BIH Parliamentary Assembly Mr Ognjen Tadić and Ms Borjana Krišto, as well as with Speaker with the Kosovo Parliament Mr Kadri Veseli.

Ahead of the conference, in Montenegro’s Embassy in Budapest, the President of the Parliament held a meeting with heads of diplomatic missions covering Montenegro on a non-residential basis from Hungary. The conversation was focused on the current political moment in Montenegro, and relations with the Western Balkans countries.


Integral speech by Mr Ivan Brajović at the session devoted to security dimension of the Western Balkan  

Statement by Mr Péter Szijjártó, Hungaian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, after his meeting with Mr Ivan Brajović 

Statement by President Mr Ivan Brajović 

Statement by Mr László Kövér, Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary


Statement by President Brajović


Statement by Mr Kövér, Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary



Speech by President Brajović - Budapest



Footage of speeches and bilateral meetings



Statement by Hugarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Szijjártó



Meeting with non-resident ambassadors

