Wednesday, 15 November 2017 14:52

With continuation of the intensive communication to the application of the best European electoral practices

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović assessed the positions of the OSCE/ODIHR about parliamentary elections of 2016 as very important, and announced that an invitation for the upcoming presidential elections will be sent to the observation mission.

- In this manner we want to confirm the openness of the election process in all of its segments, as well as to provide unquestionability of election results by all participants in the elections - Mr Brajović said at the meeting with Head of the Vienna OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Mr Jan Haukaas, Head of ODIHR Election Department Mr Alexander Shlyk and the Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro Ms Maryse Daviet.

The meeting jointly stated that recommendations from the Report on the 2016 parliamentary elections have been approached in a serious and responsible manner, whereby the importance of continuing intensive communication between the Parliament of Montenegro and the ODIHR for the implementation of the best European electoral practices was highlighted.

They also discussed the Action Plan prepared by the Working Group, which is elaborated and enhanced by the constructive suggestions of relevant entities, obtained on the basis of a public invitation for participation in the work of this parliamentary body.

President Brajović announced that in the following weeks the draft legislative solutions would be prepared and adopted in the Parliament after their compliance with the ODIHR.

- I have argued that obviously many organisations or individuals are more concerned about giving constructive proposals for improving electoral legislation than our opposition MPs, who are the loudest when it comes to electoral conditions. We have a kind of paradox of non-participation of the opposition in the work of the Parliament and the Working Group, whereby they demand an improvement of electoral legislation. Is it a type of obstruction or an alibi for all future election failures, Montenegrin citizens will judge - the President of the Parliament of Montenegro said.

Vice presidents of the Parliament Mr Branimir Gvozdenović and Mr Genci Nimanbegu, as well as Chairperson of the Working Group Ms Marta Šćepanović also took part in the conversation with the OSCE/ODIHR representatives.

Meeting of President Brajović with the OSCE delegation

