Sunday, 19 November 2017 11:21

Congratulatory message on Municipality Day of Pljevlja

Congratulatory message by President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović to the citizens and local leadership of Pljevlja, on the occasion of 20 November - Municipality Day of Pljevlja:

“Rich historic, cultural and natural heritage make Pljevlja the treasury of Montenegrin legacy, which we must protect from various challenges and devastation for future generations and descendants. The most northern Montenegrin town with its rich environment, as well as its multi-ethnic and multi-confessional harmony, has always been a desire and path for many people and individuals in which they wanted to and managed to achieve their life and existential goals. We are witnesses that even today, with its economic and agricultural potential, Pljevlja represents a challenge to domestic and foreign investors. By implementing the launched projects and by valorising the planned development projects, with the cooperation of the local and state administration, I believe that Pljevlja will continue to represent a good place to live and an unmissable path for all people of good will, vision and ideas which will contribute to a better life of Pljevlja and its citizens.

In that name, I wish you a happy Municipality Day of Pljevlja – 20 November.“