Friday, 24 November 2017 23:25

President of the Parliament sends condolences following the terrorist act and a huge number of victims in Egypt

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has sent his condolences to the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Egypt, following the terrorist act and a huge number of victims in Egypt:

“With regard to the insidious attack on al-Rawda mosque, where citizens of the Arab Republic of Egypt have lost their lives, I would like to express the deepest condolences, both on behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and on my own behalf. 

Expressing our solidarity with the citizens of the Arab Republic of Egypt, we condemn most severely this vicious attack.

Wishing a speedy recovery to the injured, I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to you, dear colleague, the assurance of my highest consideration and friendly greetings. “