Wednesday, 13 December 2017 13:15

President of the Parliament congratulates the international codification of the Montenegrin language

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović congratulated the codification of the Montenegrin language within ISO 639 international codes to Director of the National Library of Montenegro “Đurđe Crnojević” Mr Bogić Rakočević:

“Language as a means of communication is one of the most important features of the individual, national and cultural identity. Codification of the Montenegrin language by the United Advisory Committee, headquartered in the Congressional Library in Washington, within ISO 639 international standard, is a recognition not only to the identity, but to the whole culture carved in the language as a collective memory. After gaining independence in 2006, the codification of the Montenegrin language solves another historical dilemma, and new identity, scientific, cultural and artistic pages will be opened in the Cyrillic and Latin script of the Montenegrin language, which will be now recognizable to the whole world under the label "cnr".

I congratulate you on the persistence with which you have secured eternity to the Montenegrin language on the map of world languages.“