Friday, 29 December 2017 14:00

New Year message by the President of the Parliament

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović wishes happy New Year:

Dear citizens of Montenegro,

At the end of 2017, I address you with the feeling of pleasure, because of the successful year behind us, during which, we all together have achieved historic diplomatic results.  By saying this, I mainly think of our NATO membership, whereby we have honoured our constitutional obligation and provided a pre-condition for safe future of all Montenegrin citizens.

The following year will also be full of challenges that we will have to address and plans that we will achieve with regard to strengthening our internal dialogue, industrial and economic growth and development.  Montenegro will continue to strive for the values of developed democracies. In the upcoming year our partners on that path will be the most developed countries, their dominant industrial, economic and military resources, as well as our still insufficiently used wealth - human, economic, tourist and other potentials.

Historically, Montenegro had not many predispositions and chances such as we have made and that are in front of us in 2018.  I believe that we will respond maturely and dynamically to our tasks, obligations and commitments, thus making Montenegro even closer to the EU.

In that name, I wish happy New Year to all citizens of Montenegro, in the country and abroad, as well as to all people of good will.  I wish you to spend these festive days in peace, happiness and joy.


New Year message by Mr Ivan Brajović

