Tuesday, 02 January 2018 08:09

Congratulatory message on Municipality Day of Bijelo Polje

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović wished a happy 3 January - Municipality Day of Bijelo Polje to the citizens of Bijelo Polje and the local officials:

“If Montenegro is a delta, then Bijelo Polje is a spring of multi-ethnic, multi-confessional, and multicultural harmony, which serves as an example in European integration, while we await its valorisation in the coming years, after dedicated work and comprehensive reforms.

From the beginning of time, the Lim valley has been a nursery garden of people of grand acts and actions. Today, in the 21st century, Bijelo Polje, with its role in development of the north of Montenegro and with the selfless help of the public administration, by engaging all available human and economic capacities, also has an opportunity to ensure a quiet and comfortable life for its citizens.

In that name, I wish you a happy Municipality Day of Bijelo Polje – 3 January.“