Friday, 12 January 2018 16:43

President of the Parliament hosts US Ambassador

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, during his meeting with the Ambassador of the United States of America, Ms Margaret Ann Uyehara, talked about the performance results of the Parliament, as well as the plans for the next period.

On that occasion, Ambassador Uyehara congratulated President Brajović on the results achieved since the assuming of office in November 2016, with particular emphasis on the further improvement of electoral legislation, bearing in mind the upcoming presidential and a number of local elections. With regard to this, the interlocutors agreed that the media in Montenegro have been facing the challenges of further professionalisation and objective reporting, especially when it come to the Public Broadcaster.

Both sides agreed that the return of the part of the opposition would contribute to better political dialogue, which has been pointed out to in the previous period both by the domestic and international public.

President Brajović used this opportunity to thank the United States for for their continued support to reform processes aimed at continuing democratisation of Montenegrin society, which has been given special confirmation with the NATO membership.


Meeting of the President of the Parliament with the US Ambassador, Ms Margaret Ann Uyehara

