Wednesday, 17 January 2018 11:55

President of the Parliament talks with ODIHR Mission

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, talked today with representatives of the ODIHR Mission, Mr Richard Lappin, Deputy Head of the ODIHR Election Department and Ms Tamara Otiashvili, ODIHR Election Adviser.

The ODIHR Mission will be assessing the pre-election environment and preparations for the upcoming parliamentary elections in Montenegro, on the basis of which the ODIHR will bring a decision on carrying out the necessary activities in the observation process, upon the invitation of Montenegrin state authorities.

The President of the Parliament expressed his gratitude to ODHIR for continued good cooperation, positive report and recommendations after the last parliamentary elections. Adoption of the recommendations has resulted in amendments to the part of the electoral legislation, which further enhanced the election environment. Almost all of the recommendations, 17 of them, to be more precise, of the envisaged 18, were covered by election laws, which needed the support of the majority of MPs to be adopted, while one law was not adopted due to the absence of opposition in the work of the Parliament.

President Brajović informed his interlocutors about the activities of the Parliament as well and noted that commitment of political entities and institutions in the preparations for the upcoming elections was necessary.

In addition to the amendments to the electoral legislation, the manner of work and procedures within certain committees and parliamentary plenum was also discussed at the meeting.

President Brajović announced that the Parliament of Montenegro would remain open for further suggestions and recommendations from ODHIR, for the sake of achieving the highest level of confidence of all parties in the electoral process in Montenegro.

President of the Parliament with ODIHR Mission

