Tuesday, 23 January 2018 14:50

President of the Parliament with the Trade Union on support to media workers

- The Parliament of Montenegro, as well as other segments of the society, should support solutions that would improve economic and social status and rights of media workers, whereby the employees of this branch must take responsibility within its media outlets to make additional efforts aimed at safeguarding their personal integrity and mutual solidarity, so that they could act autonomously and with as few professional mistakes - President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović and President and Vice President of the Media Trade Union of Montenegro Ms Marijana Camović and Mr Radomir Kračković have noted at today’s meeting.

On the occasion of 23rd January - Journalists’ Day, representatives of the Media Trade Union of Montenegro today have delivered to parliamentarians the amendments to the existing legislative solutions - the Media Law and the Electronic Media Law, which are already under the procedure in the Ministry of Culture. 
The meeting discussed modalities for improving solutions that would make the status of the employees, particularly in the private and local media outlets, more appropriate to accountability and preservation of professional dignity, as well as long-term sustainable financial model for the work of local media. 

The President of the Parliament announced the formation of a new parliamentary body that would contribute, within its powers, to further investigation of the attacks against journalists in order to ensure that the entire media community in Montenegro has greater safety and can act in accordance with the highest professional standards.