Wednesday, 24 January 2018 15:31

Mr Brajović and Mr Orav on European agenda of Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, talked today with the Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro, Mr Aivo Orav, about the upcoming activities related to the integration process of our country, with the emphasis on 2018 as a very significant year for the Western Balkans.

President Brajović welcomed the European Union's significant commitment to the countries of the Western Balkans and said that Montenegro was firmly committed to staying persistant with reform activities in order to complete the process of accession negotiations in a quality way and become the next member of the Union.

The interlocutors expressed their expectation that the integration strategy of the Western Balkans, to be announced by the European Commission on 6 February, would emphasise the enlargement policy with its measures and be further encouraging for candidate countries.

The meeting was also about the upcoming presidential and part of local elections, and the President Brajović emphasised the importance of additionally improved election legislation, as well as good co-operation with the ODIHR.

