Tuesday, 06 February 2018 21:05

Statement by President Mr Ivan Brajović on the Western Balkans Strategy

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović expressed his view on the Western Balkans Strategy published today on his Facebook page:

- The recently published Strategy is the first EU document which gives guidelines and timeframe for both - candidate countries and member states. It sends a message to the EU citizens and citizens of the Western Balkans that investment in enlargement is a common interest - meaning that we can be stronger only if unified!

Also, a clear message has been sent that the enlargement will be merit-based - and that is what Montenegro has always asked!!

EU membership is a matter of choice - and during all our past elections out citizens opted for a clear, pro-European politics led by this ruling majority, which adheres to and supports the European values and goals.

During this term of office as well, Montenegro will undoubtedly remain devoted to reforms, primarily because of its citizens and progress of the whole state.

To remind, President Brajović is on his visit to the USA, where he will attend the National Prayer Breakfast and have a series of meetings with the U.S. congressmen and senators.