Wednesday, 07 February 2018 13:59

President of the Parliament meets U.S. officials

On day one of his visit to the USA, where he is attending the 66th National Prayer Breakfast, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović had meetings with Senator Mr Ron Johnson and representatives: Mr Michael Turner, Mr Eliot Engel, Mr Doug Lamborn and Ms Chellie Pingree. Mr Branimir Gvozdenović, Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro and Chair of the Friendship Group with the US Congress, is also a member of the parliamentary delegation.

President Brajović informed his interlocutors on current political developments in Montenegro and in the Western Balkans region, particularly expressing gratitude for the support and assistance that the U.S. Congress continually provided to our country in achieving a key foreign policy goal - NATO membership. The President of the Parliament emphasised the importance of further intensification of bilateral relations and strengthening of the strategic partnership between the two friendly countries in all areas of cooperation, stressing the importance of parliamentary cooperation for further strengthening of bilateral ties. During the talks, the country's commitment to further reforms and the importance of the rapid membership in the European Union was emphasised once again.

In a conversation with Mr Ron Johnson, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, the importance of Montenegro's NATO membership for further stabilisation of the situation and the security of the Western Balkans was highlighted. Referring to the strong presence of Russian influence in the region, Senator Johnson praised the decision of the judicial authorities in Montenegro to make the trial for the attempt of terrorism before the parliamentary elections public and thus ensure the transparency of the trial.

It was a real pleasure to host the President, the Vice President of the Parliament and the Ambassador here in my senator’s office. We remain very devoted and very supportive of Montenegro’s efforts to become more and more integrated into the European community and most appreciate their accession to NATO as well.” And I certainly enjoyed my role in helping that happen. - Senator Johnson said after the meeting.

Representative Mr Eliot Engel, Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, praised Montenegro’s constructive role in the Western Balkans region and its commitment to good neighbourly relations and cooperation. Representative Eliot said that he encouraged his friends from Kosovo to resolve the issue of demarcation with Montenegro as soon as possible.

During his talks with Representative Mr Michael Turner, the President of the Parliament thanked him for his personal contribution to strengthening Montenegro’s reputation in the U.S. Congress, as well as for his commitment to Montenegro's membership in NATO. Representative Turner stressed that our country had a lot of friends in the U.S. Congress, as that the USA supported Montenegro’s EU integration.

During the joint meeting with co-chair of the Congressional Montenegro Caucus Representative Mr Doug Lamborn and Representative Ms Chellie Pingree, the special ties that Montenegro has with the Federal State of Maine were highlighted. President Brajović expressed his special gratitude for the help that Mr Lamborn provided during the international codification of the Montenegrin language.

During day one of the visit to the USA, Vice President of the Parliament Mr Branimir Gvozdenović spoke at the forum "Geopolitical Opportunities in South East Europe and the role of the United States and NATO" initiated by and under the auspices of Mr James Mountain Inhofe, Senator from Oklahoma. The Vice President of the Parliament stressed that "the strong presence of the West in the Balkans and a clear European perspective, with financial support and infrastructural and economic connection, are the only guide to stability".

The President of the Parliament continues his visit by meetings in the Congress and Senate, as well as with representatives of some of the most significant foundations.  

Talks with senators and representatives



Statement: Ron Johnson

