Tuesday, 20 February 2018 17:08

President of the Parliament: National Library is the mainstream of Montenegrin identity and durability

- On the occasion of the International Mother Language Day, I came to Cetinje happy to express my gratitude, both to the previous and current management of the National Library, for the many years of work and persistence on the codification of the Montenegrin language. It is a recognition and an impetus not only to the identity, but for the overall culture that has been carved as a collective memory into the language. With the codification of the Montenegrin language, another torch in the flames of the Montenegrin identity has been lit – Mr Ivan Brajović, President of the Parliament of Montenegro, said today, among other things, during a visit to the National Library "Đurađ Crnojević" in Cetinje.

- Montenegro has a lot to boast of in its difficult, but also brilliant history, but the first printing house with the South Slavs is probably the biggest and most beautiful glint of all, left for us by the ruler Đurađ Crnojević back in 1493 in dark vilayets of the Middle Ages, for the sake of glory and indelibility, which provides additional significance. Bearing in mind the above, I think that nothing deserves to bear the name of a wise visionary like the National Library does, and that a wise visionary equally deserves the library to be named after him, because almost everything is turned into dust except books, to be the witness of times and people, in its memorable manner - said the President of the Parliament and pointed out that the National Library "has been and remained the cradle and mainstream of Montenegrin culture and identity, the center of all the visions and ideas of Montenegrin activity through centuries and millennia. Mr Brajović believes that the National Library represents at the same time a Montenegrin continuity, Montenegrin durability and Montenegrin honor.

The President of the Parliament praised teachers and professors especially, hundreds and thousands of anonymous enthusiasts who teach our young people literacy, cultivate the culture of rhetoric and reading, as well as the employees in all Montenegrin libraries, who look over the book fund.

- I consider all these people to be of true value and true guardians of the Montenegrin identity. I use this opportunity to congratulate to them Mother Language Day – it is really their day.

The director of the National Library, Mr Bogić Rakočević, expressed gratitude to the President of the Parliament for the importance that he has been continuously demonstrating to the identity issues of Montenegro, as well as for the logistical support that the Parliament provided for the sake of the development of the cultural mission that the National Library carries out.

- The national library, which inherits all cultural traces, traces of culture, memories, not only of Montenegrins, but also of all its citizens. With the codification of the Montenegrin language, we are now equal to all the languages of the world that are standardised and accepted, which means that everything related to Montenegro and the publishing activity and culture will be recorded under the abbreviation CNR.

Visit to the National Library "Đurađ Crnojević" in Cetinje – video coverage



Statement of the President Brajovića 



Statement – Mr Bogić Rakočević



Questions and answers to the media

