Friday, 23 February 2018 14:02

On elections and media in Montenegro at bilateral meetings during OSCE PA

At the meeting of President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović with the ODIHR Director Ms Ingibjörg Gísladóttir, they discussed Montenegro's continuously good cooperation with the OSCE Mission in our country and the ODIHR report’s significance for improvement of the electoral legislation. The interlocutors agreed that Montenegro showed its democratic capacity with willingness to adopt the ODIHR recommendations following the preparations implemented by the Working Group of the Parliament of Montenegro, thus further improving the already good election environment. Ahead of the presidential elections, the ODIHR’s positive response to the invitation by the President of the Parliament to send an observation mission to Montenegro was emphasised.

- We had a very good and constructive meeting. We were talking about the previous cooperation with Montenegro. We have had good cooperation with the Parliament and we very much look forward to deploying an election monitoring mission in your country for the upcoming elections, for which we are now preparing - said the ODIHR director. 

President of the OSCE PA Mr George Tsereteli considers Montenegro’s role in the region very significant, bearing in mind its commitment to the regional cooperation, as well as cooperation within the OSCE, NATO membership and European integration. During the meeting, they jointly noted that Montenegro’s progress was evident, and they positively assessed the return of one part of the opposition to the Parliament. The interlocutors also agreed that the upcoming presidential election would contribute to further stabilisation of Montenegro. President Brajović emphasised the significance of the election process in Montenegro because it represented a decisive roadmap for the path which one democratic country should take.

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Mr  Harlem Désir believes that Montenegro is making progress in the freedom of the media, which is also a part of its leadership role in the region.  During his conversation with President Brajović, they also discussed the role of the Parliament, other state authorities and segments of society in the support to the further professionalisation of the media, including their financial and governing independence, as well as guild solidarity necessary for ensuring the meeting of journalistic standards.

President Brajović emphasised that the strict observation of laws represented protection for all social structures, and for media it created prerequisites for a professional and responsible approach to free and objective reporting to the citizens. On his conversation with President Brajović, Mr Harlem Désir said:

- It was very important for me to have this opportunity to meet the President of the Parliament of Montenegro today in Vienna to discuss our cooperation to support the development of freedom of the media in Montenegro. We discussed the public service broadcaster and its future, the financing, the independence. The public broadcaster is a key dimension of the development of vibrant and realistic media landscape in the country and a contribution to the quality of information. And so it is very important in a moment where the information which is fair is confronted to the spread of fake news of disinformation to promote professional standards in journalism. We also discussed the issue of ethical code of conduct that my Office has been supporting with the OSCE Office in Montenegro with the cooperation of the media actors, of the journalists. We also support the role of the ombudsman and the Media Council for Self-regulation. We also discussed the issue of safety of journalists, of the commission for the investigation of the crimes against journalists and mainly our future cooperation.  Because the Parliament will have a very important role in drafting several legislation amendments to the existing legislation. My visit a few days ago in Montenegro was very fruitful. I think a great success for us in our discussion with the authorities and with the journalists and civil society actors.  It was very important to prolong this discussion through this meeting with the President of the Parliament of Montenegro.

pdfStatement of ODIHR Director Ms Ingibjörg Gísladóttir following the meeting with Mr Ivan Brajović

pdfStatement of Mr Harlem Désir, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, following the meeting with Mr Ivan Brajović

Cover footage OSCE - day two

Statement - Harlem Désir

Statement - Ingibjörg Gísladóttir

Na sastanku predsjednika Skupštine Crne Gore Ivana Brajovića sa direktoricom ODIHR-a Ingeborg Gisladotir, bilo je riječi o kontinuirano dobroj saradnji Crne Gore sa misijom OEBS-a u našoj zemlji i značaju izvještaja ODIHR-a za unaprjeđenje izbornog zakonodavstva. Sagovornici su se saglasili da je Crna Gora pokazala svoj demokratski kapacitet spremnošću da usvoji preporuke ODIHR-a nakon priprema koje je sprovela Radna grupa Skupštine Crne Gore, čime je inače dobar izborni ambijent dodatno unaprijeđen. U susret predsjedničkim izborima, akcentovan je pozitivan odgovor ODIHR-a na poziv predsjednika Skupštine da upute posmatračku misiju u Crnu Goru.

- Imali smo veoma dobar i konstruktivan sastanak. Razgovarali smo o saradnji koju smo ostvarili u prethodnom periodu sa Crnom Gorom. Imamo dobru saradnju sa Skupštinom i zaista se radujemo što ćemo angažovati posmatračku misiju u Vašoj zemlji za predstojeće izbore, za šta se sada pripremamo – izjavila je direktorica ODIHR-a.

Predsjednik Parlamentarne skupštine OEBS-a Džordž Cereteli ulogu Crne Gore u regionu smatra veoma važnom, imajući u vidu njenu posvećenost regionalnoj, kao i saradnji u okviru OEBS-a, NATO članstvu i evropskim integracijama. Tokom razgovora je zajednički konstatovano da je napredak Crne Gore evidentan, a pozitivnim je ocijenjen povratak dijela opozicije u Skupštinu. Sagovornici su se takođe saglasili da će predstojeći predsjednički izbori doprinijeti daljoj stabilizaciji Crne Gore. Predsjednik Brajović je istakao značaj izbornih procesa u Crnoj Gori, jer oni predstavljaju opredjeljujući pokazatelj puta kojim jedna demokratska država treba da ide.

Predstavnik OEBS-a za slobodu medija Arlem Dezir, smatra da Crna Gora napreduje u slobodi medija, što je takođe dio njene liderske uloge u regionu. Tokom razgovora sa predsjednikom Brajovićem, bilo je riječi o ulozi Skupštine, drugih državnih organa i segmenata društva u podršci daljoj profesionalizaciji medija, uključujući njihovu finansijsku i upravljačku nezavisnost, kao i esnafsku solidarnost, neophodnu za obezbjeđivanje poštovanja novinarskih standarda.

Predsjednik Brajović je naglasio da striktno poštovanje zakona predstavlja zaštitu za sve strukture u društvu,  a medijima stvara pretpostavke za profesionalan i odgovoran pristup u slobodnom i objektivnom  izvještavanju građana. O razgovoru sa predsjednikom Brajovićem, Arlem Dezir je rekao:

- Veoma mi je značajno što sam imao priliku da se sretnem sa predsjednikom Skupštine Crne Gore danas u Beču, kako bi smo razgovarali o međusobnoj saradnji i podržali razvoj slobode medija u Crnoj Gori. Razgovarali smo i o Javnom servisu, njegovoj budućnosti, finansiranju, nezavisnosti. Javni servis je ključna dimenzija u razvoju žive i realistične medijske slike u zemlji, a takođe predstavlja i doprinos razvoju kvalitetnih informacija. Samim tim je veoma važno napraviti okruženje u kojem će normalne informacije stajati nasuprot širenju lažnih informacija i promovisati profesionalne standarde u novinarstvu. Razgovarali smo I o etičkom kodeksu kojeg podržava naša Kancelarija zajedno sa Misijom OEBS-a u Crnoj Gori, a sve u saradnji sa medijskim akterima, novinarima. Takođe, podržavamo ulogu Ombudsmana i Medijskog savjeta za samoregulaciju. Razgovarali smo i o bezbjednosti novinara, Komisiji za istraživanje napada na novinare, kao i o saradnji koju ćemo ostvariti u budućnosti. Jer Skupština igra veoma važnu ulogu u kreiranju novih i mijenjanju postojećih zakona. Moja posjeta Crnoj Gori je bila veoma kvalitetna. Imao sam uspješne razgovore sa predstavnicima nadležnih organa i novinarima, kao i predstavnicima civilnog društva. Zaista je bilo važno nastaviti te razgovore i kroz ovaj sastanak sa predsjednikom Skupštine Crne Gore.

pdfIzjava direktorice ODIHR-a Ingeborg Gisladotir nakon sastanka sa Ivanom Brajovićem

pdfIzjava Arlema Dezira, predstavnika OEBS-a za slobodu medija nakon sastanka sa Ivanom Brajovićem

Pokrivalice OSCE - drugi dan

Izjava - Arlem Dezir

Izjava - Ingeborg Gisladotir