Thursday, 05 April 2018 14:47

President of the Parliament wishes a happy Easter

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović wished the believers and the clergy happy upcoming Easter holidays:

"The great Christian holiday Easter in Montenegro represents a day of gathering of people of the same faith who share the systems of the highest spiritual values, but also calls for respecting those others with whom, since time immemorial, we have been building human trust and virtues that are the pledge of a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional harmony.

Easter is also an opportunity for people of good intentions to spend a holiday in peace and prosperity with their loved ones and the people around them, recalling and nurturing the primordial traditional values on which the ancient civilizations rest, such as, first and foremost: understanding, forgiveness and love, as the greatest the achievements of human communication, coexistence and existence.

In that name, I wish a happy Easter to all Orthodox Christian believers.“