Friday, 13 April 2018 21:25

President of the Parliament speaks with MEPs

At today’s meeting with the Vice President of the EP and MEPs, President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović has expressed his gratitude with the fact that the EP accepted his invitation to monitor the presidential election in Montenegro scheduled for 15 April.

On this occasion, President Brajović assessed the presence of international observers at the election as important, emphasising that Montenegro was showing in this election as well its openness and devotion to fulfilling all the criteria fostered by developed European democracies.  

Among other things, the meeting also discussed the importance of holding the election process in fair and democratic environment, which should be contributed by all actors of the election process.  

The EP delegation headed by the EP Vice President Mr Fabio Massimo Castaldo, was composed of Mr Jose Inacio Faria, Mr Tonino Picula, Mr Javier Nart, Mr Tamas Meszerics and Mr Andre Elissen.

