Friday, 18 May 2018 15:11

Congratulatory message of the President of the Parliament on Independence Day

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has sent a congratulatory message on 21 May -  Independence Day of Montenegro.

“The 21st of May is a symbol of all aspirations of Montenegrin citizens towards their own and independent endeavours to have better life, safer future and recognisable state, social and cultural identity. It is a lighthouse on the developmental and progressive path that we are pursuing.

For me, the 21st May is fulfilment of a personal dream and a confirmation that the idea of restoring the statehood, promoted for decades, has become the majority will of the citizens of Montenegro.

We have won great battles and we have passed a long road. In the upcoming period, we have a lot of work to do. Two big goals are ahead of us: to create preconditions for better standard of citizens and to join a community of European nations.

Our society needs unity to achieve these two strategic goals. I am certain of citizens’ support when it comes that.

I wish you a happy Independence Day - 21 of May.

Congratulatory message on Independence Day

