Thursday, 24 May 2018 13:49

Senator Sutour: France favours the path that Montenegro is taking

- On its integration path and for the reform processes which it implements, Montenegro needs support of the EU members, among which France holds a prominent position. A clear message is sent to the other candidate countries when the best are rewarded – pointed out President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović at his meeting with the delegation of the Senate of the Republic of France headed by senator Mr Simon Sutour.

President Brajović reminded that Montenegro was continuously pursuing responsible state policy, both domestic and foreign.

French senators voiced their pleasure over their visit to the Parliament of Montenegro and their meetings with the committees and the Parliamentary Friendship Group. They said that they followed Montenegro's development, that our country undoubtedly had bright prospects, which would at any rate be noted in the reports for the French and European organisations.

- France favours the path that Montenegro is taking - concluded senator Mr Simon Sutour.


President of Parliament with delegation of French Senate

