Saturday, 02 June 2018 08:05

Li Zhanshu: We will continue encouraging Chinese companies to invest in Montenegro

- China respects Montenegro’s developmental path and it is looking forward to its progress towards the EU. China and Montenegro have several joint projects, some of which are being implemented while others are in preparatory phase.  We will continue encouraging Chinese companies to invest in big projects in Montenegro - Chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee Mr Li Zhanshu said at the meeting with President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović.

There are many ways to work together and exchange experience and expertise in numerous fields, particularly within multilateral projects “One belt one road” and mechanism “1+16”, and through direct cooperation as well.  It is necessary to encourage the institutions to intensify their activities, while the legislative bodies should consider specific issues of mutual interest through the friendship groups and individual committees, Mr Li and Mr Brajović agreed.

President Brajović said that Montenegro was flattered by devoted friendship of the significant state that experienced continuous economic growth and invested in Montenegro through infrastructural, energy, medicine, and educational projects. It’s up to us to create pre-conditions for even greater long-term cooperation – the President of the Montenegrin Parliament stressed.   

In addition to the meetings with two top Chinese officials Mr Li and Mr Wang Yang, President Brajović was welcomed in China at the highest level in the most respectable industrial and cultural institutions, medical examination centres, and he will also meet Montenegrin students who study in China.


Video coverage - China

