Monday, 02 July 2018 18:17

President of the Parliament hosts Mr Péter Szijjártó

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, during his meeting with the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Péter Szijjártó, expressed satisfaction with the intensity of the political dialogue, which confirmed the excellent bilateral relations between the two countries. Further strengthening of parliamentary cooperation, it has been assessed at the meeting, is also going to be contributed by the planned visit of the Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary, Mr László Kövér to Montenegro, which will be realised by the end of this year.
The President of the Parliament expressed his belief that the support of Hungary to the European path of Montenegro will be as strong as it has been for NATO membership, as well as the gratitude for the personal engagement of the Minister Szijjártó.
Mr Brajović also stressed his expectation that the Western Balkans and the topic of enlargement will remain the focus of future presidencies of European Union.
There was also talk at the meeting about the work of the Parliament of Montenegro following the presidential and local elections, the continuation of the reform process aimed at the economic and institutional strengthening of the state and society as a whole.
