Friday, 06 July 2018 16:10

President of the Parliament speaks with UNDEF and MANS representatives

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today has talked with Head of the United Nations Democracy Fund  (UNDEF) Ms Hannah McGlue and coordinator of the MANS parliamentary programme Mr Danilo Kalezić on the project of this non-governmental organisation “Improving parliamentary oversight and accountability in Montenegro”, funded by the UNDEF.  This is the first project by this international organisation in Montenegro.

President Brajović underlined the importance of constructive cooperation of the Parliament with non-governmental organisations with the aim of further strengthening of institutions in the country. He reminded that monitoring of the plenary sessions and work of the committees was fully open to civil society, being an important step in confirming the status of the Montenegrin parliament as one of the most transparent in the region.

The interlocutors agreed on the importance of continuous cooperation with non-governmental organisations in Montenegro through various forms, including the project that will be implemented by MANS in the future. In general, the goal of the project is to contribute to strengthening the role of the Parliament of Montenegro in the development of democracy and establishing the principles of good governance, with a focus on greater citizen engagement in parliamentary processes.

